Installing the City Energy Analyst on the Euler cluster

Disclaimer: for this to work, you must be an ETH Zurich affiliated person and own a nethz-account.

EULER stands for Erweiterbarer, Umweltfreundlicher, Leistungsfähiger ETH-Rechner. It is a high performance cluster available to users affiliated to the ETH Zurich. See more information about the computing cluster on the clusterwiki.

This section describes the steps necessary to get the CEA running on the Euler cluster.

Logging on to the Euler cluster

You can login to the Euler cluster via the SSH protocol. If you use Linux or Mac OS X, then you can directly use SSH from within a shell as it is part of the operating system, whereas if you run Windows, you need to install a third-party application in order to use SSH (Putty, Cygwin, Git for Windows).

You can only log in to Euler from within the ETH network or when connected via VPN.

Once in the terminal in Linux or Mac OS X or in a terminal of thrid-party application of your choicse, do:

ssh <your nethz-name>

After entering the above command in the shell, you will be asked for a password. Enter your nethz password. You are then greeted with the Euler welcome message.

Installing dependencies

Add the following lines to the file ~/.bash_profile. From now on you will require basic knowledge of linux commands. here is a guide.

Now do:

nano .bash_profile

then write the next in the file:

export PATH
export PYTHONPATH=$HOME/SALib:$HOME/python/lib64/python2.7/site-packages
export GDAL_DATA=$HOME/apps/share/gdal
module load python/2.7

Save the results by doing ^O (CTRL+O) and pressing ENTER. Exit of the file by doing ^X (CTRL+X).

Exit Euler and log on again to run the .bash_profile. From now on, the python module will be loaded automatically. The above also sets up a path for the system to find local dynamic libraries and python libraries - we will use this for compiling the dependencies below.

Upgrade numpy from the system version (1.8.0) to the newest version (1.11.2 as of writing):

pip install --user --upgrade numpy

The --user part to pip install tells pip to use the $HOME/python folder to install packages to - this is required because you don’t have permission to install as root. We will be using similar tactics when compiling.

Upgrade scipy (from 0.13.2 to 0.18.1):

pip install --user --upgrade scipy

The system will compile, printing lots of warnings, but eventually it should print a success message. This will happen for other libraries below as well and might be surprising for Windows users.

pip install --user xlrd
pip install --user ephem
pip install --user simpleDBF
pip install --user deap

I followed this guide to install ``libgeos_c` <>`__ which is required for geopandas, but modified it to install to a local library folder. Execute the following steps:

mkdir apps
mkdir tmp; cd tmp
curl -O
tar xjf geos-3.5.0.tar.bz2
cd geos-3.5.0
./configure --prefix=$HOME/apps
make check
make install  # installs to ~/apps/lib...

Now we can install Shapely:

pip install --user Shapely

Installing GDAL requires a bit more effort - similar to GEOS:

cd ~/tmp
curl -O
tar xzf gdal-2.1.1.tar.gz
cd gdal-2.1.1
./configure --prefix=$HOME/apps
make install

The remaining libraries install easily:

pip install --user fiona
pip install --user pyproj
pip install --user geopandas
pip install --user pysal
pip install --user pyshp

Installing SALib

The SALib library that is used by the sensitivity analysis routines does not install with pip install SALib because the version of setuptools on the cluster is just too old. Instead do this:

[user@euler06 ~]$ git clone
Initialized empty Git repository in /cluster/home/darthoma/SALib/.git/
remote: Counting objects: 2769, done.
Receiving objects: 100% (2769/2769), 2.56 MiB | 1.34 MiB/s, done.
remote: Total 2769 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 2769
Resolving deltas: 100% (1748/1748), done.

The PYTHONPATH exported in the ~/.bash_profile script above already includes the SALib path. Otherwise, append $HOME/SALib to your PYTHONPATH.

Cloning the CEA from GitHub

Installing the CEA itself is as simple as cloning it from GitHub:

git clone

Alternatively, you can also clone a branch of the cea with:

git clone - b <my-branch>

Running the CEA

Since ArcGIS is not installed on the cluster, you need to run the CEA scripts with their command line interface (CLI).

Here is an example from my account (darthoma - replace with your own user name) using a reference case previously cloned to the home folder:

cd $HOME/CEAforArcGIS/cea
export WEATHER=/cluster/home/darthoma/CEAforArcGIS/cea/databases/weather/Zug.epw
export SCENARIO=/cluster/home/darthoma/cea-reference-case/reference-case-zug/baseline
python demand/ --scenario $SCENARIO --weather $WEATHER