Running the CEA in Docker

Docker is an open-source project for automating the deployment of applications as portable, self-sufficient containers that can run on the cloud or on-premises. (Source)

The CEA can be run in docker. The main steps are:

  • install Docker on your computer (out of scope of this document)
  • build the image
  • run the image

Note, that “CEA” in this context refers to the backend (server, cli) part of the CEA and not the GUI.

Building the image

Set server host to You can do it by editing default.config in the cea folder. In the [server] section, change the default address from to

To build the docker image, navigate to CityEnergyAnalyst repository where the Dockerfile is located. Execute the following command:

> docker build -t dockeruser/cea:latest .

Notice the . at the end of the command - be sure to include it, as it tells docker where to find the Dockerfile.

The docker image should show up in your local computer:

> docker images
REPOSITORY                      TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
dockeruser/cea                  latest    9963cd876a48   19 minutes ago   3.06GB

To share the docker image, push the image to Dockerhub:

> docker login
    username: dockeruser
> docker push dockeruser/cea:latest

Pull docker image

If you wish to use the latest cea image without building it on your own, you can pull it from our dockerhub.

To pull a docker image from Dockerhub:

> docker pull dockeruser/cea

Running the image in a new container

  1. To test the docker image:

    > docker run --rm dockeruser/cea cea test
    • The --rm flag removes the container after it finishes running. This is useful when running the cea test

command so that the container does not persist after it exits after running the tests.

  1. To run the docker container via shell (as the CEA Console):

    > docker run -it -v /home/cea_projects:/projects dockeruser/cea /bin/bash
    root@df9d4b16e5c0:> source /venv/bin/activate
    (venv) root@df9d4b16e5c0:> cea --help
    • The -it flag sets up interactive and tty so you can actually _do_ something there. Note, in order to use any of the CEA functionality, you’ll need to type source /venv/bin/activate.
    • The -v /home/cea_projects:/projects binds the folder /home/cea_projects in host to the folder /projects inside the container. Files saved in /home/cea_projects will be shared with the container.
  2. To run cea workflow. First make sure the project folder and workflow.yml are in the correct path, in the example is /home/cea_projects.:

    > docker run --name cea_container -v /home/cea_projects:/projects dockeruser/cea cea workflow --workflow /projects/workflow.yml
  3. To connect the GUI, CEA Dashboard, to a container

    > docker run -t -p 5050:5050 dockeruser/cea

This command will start the CEA server and display it’s output. You should see something like this:

City Energy Analyst version 3.24.0
Running `cea dashboard` with the following parameters:
- general:debug = False
  (default: False)

There’s quite a lot going on here and if this is seems daunting, I suggest reading up on some Docker tutorials - I don’t understand it well enough myself to feel confident enough to explain. But here are some observations:

  • The -t flag connects the container to your terminal, so you can see the output. You can drop this argument, but then you’ll not be able to see any error messages etc. of the backend.
  • The -p 5050:5050 flag connects the port 5050 on the host machine (your computer) to the port 5050 in the container (an instance of the cea-server docker image).
  • If you browse to http://localhost:5050/api/ you will see a description of the api you can use. This is the same api used by the CityEnergyAnalyst-GUI project, so you can essentially do anything that can be done in the GUI programmatically using this api.