How to create a new release?

This section describes the steps necessary to create a new release of the City Energy Analyst (CEA).


Each release of the CEA needs a version number. Version numbers need to increase for PyPI. The relevant documentation for python version numbers is documented in PEP440. The CEA uses the following versioning scheme in compliance with PEP440:


Major and minor version segments in this scheme refer to the milestone (sprint) the release was developed for. The major version segment works on roughly a yearly time scale while the minor version segment tracks sprints inside the major release. Each such pair (major.minor) refers to a “milestone” in the GitHub issues milestones list.

If a release needs to be updated after publishing, an optional revision can be used, starting at 1 and incrementing.

During the sprint, the pre-release section is used to represent the current state of the master branch. At the beginning of the sprint, alpha versions are used. Examples: 2.2a0, 2.2a1, 2.2a2, etc. In this phase the issues belonging to the milestone are being added.

Once the code base settles down, beta versions can be used. Examples: 2.2b0, 2.2b1, 2.2b2, etc. In this phase, new features should not be added anymore and instead testing / bug fixing activities should dominate.

Before releasing a milestone, the release candidates can be used. Examples: 2.2rc0, 2.2rc1, 2.2rc2, etc. In this phase the software is just being tested with show-stopping bugs being fixed if possible.

Where to find the current version number

The current version number can be found in the module cea (actually, since cea is a package, you need to look into the file in the variable __version__.

All code requiring knowledge of the current version number should read the version from here.

In python modules this can be achieved by:

import cea
version_number = cea.__version__

The NSIS installer (see section Creating the installer) uses the helper tool setup/get_version.exe to extract the version and write it to the file setup/cea_version.txt - if importing cea is not an option, you could explore this avenue too…

Responsibility for version numbers

The repository admin merging a pull request to master is responsible for updating the version number.

Create a Release Branch

  • Create a branch Release-x.x.x from master.

Update the file

For each minor release (2.2, 2.3, …) the file needs to be updated to include all the authors that worked on that release. Update the “How to Cite” section with the Zenodo link to the correct version and doi.


  • Run in CityEnergyAnalyst\bin.
  • Update with the latest changes from the outputs.

Updating the CEA GUI interface

You’ll need yarn and Node.js installed.

For the installer to be able to pick up the newest version of the CEA GUI interface, make sure you

  • Pull the newest version of the CityEnergyAnalyst-GUI repository
  • Open CEA Console, navigate to the GitHub repo of the CityEnergyAnalyst-GUI repository
  • Type yarn, wait for the command to complete (this will update packages if necessary)

Creating the installer

  • First, make sure you have the Nullsoft Scriptable Installation System (NSIS) installed. See :docs:`how-to-set-up-nsis`

  • Next, make sure the command cea-dev build is configured properly. The configuration should look something like this:

    (CEA) λ cea-config build
    City Energy Analyst version 3.11.0
    Configuring `cea build` with the following parameters:
    - development:nsis = C:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS\Bin\makensis.exe
      (default: )
    - development:conda = C:\Users\darthoma\miniconda3\condabin\conda.bat
      (default: )
    - development:gui = c:\Users\darthoma\Documents\GitHub\CityEnergyAnalyst-GUI
      (default: )
    - development:yarn = C:\Users\darthoma\AppData\Roaming\npm\yarn.cmd
      (default: )

You can either edit the cea.config file directly or use cea-config build --nsis C:\...\makensis.exe --conda ....

Note: The paths will be different on your system. Use the conda.bat in condabin of your Anaconda/Miniconda installation. The path to gui should be set to the repository folder of the CityEnergyAnalyst-GUI repository.

  • Install conda-pack by typing conda install conda-pack.
  • Creating the installer is then as easy as cea-dev build. This will run quite some time as it will create a new conda environment for the version, conda-pack it, and do a lot of compressing.
  • Locate the installer in the CityEnergyAnalyst repository under setup/Output.

Create a Release Draft on GitHub

  • Tag the release with the correct version number.

Testing in a virtual machine

In order to test the release, it is a good idea to run the installation guide / installer on a clean virtual machine, e.g. with VirtualBox.

This test should go as far as running cea test --workflow slow just to be sure everything is still working. This test goes a bit further than the regular test in that it makes sure the installation instructions still work on a new installation. This is important because it can find missing packages in the dependency lists etc.

It’s a good idea to use a different username on the VM as the one you used to create the installer - some pip bugs can be found that way.

Merge the Release Branch

  • Update the “How to Cite” section inside with the Zenodo link to the correct version and doi.
  • Merge the branch Release-x.x.x into master.

Publish the Release on GitHub

  • The release should be published so that it could be found on the CityEnergyAnalyst repository on GitHub. Add the

installer you created in the previous step. - It is recommended to also publish a release on the CityEnergyAnalyst-GUI repository that corresponds to the version on the CityEnergyAnalyst repository.

Building the documentation

Well documented code is an essential part of the release, allowing your code’s legacy to only grow in glory and admiration.

The documentation will be rendered via the readthedocs site, allowing future developers, practitioners, researchers and students to understand and build upon your work. CEA uses sphinx to document all module code, and GraphViz to render flow charts (please install Graphviz to view graphs).

First, launch the CEA Console created by the installer and call (please address any errors (red text) which appears during the sphinx build):

cea-doc html

This tool will:

  • Remove any outdated module rst files
  • Rebuild all module rst files
  • Render all rst files to html
  • Open any documentation html’s for files identified by a Gitdiff.

Finally, any changes to the conda environment need to be reflected in the CityEnergyAnalyst/environment.yml file and if your code writes any new output variables or files, the CityEnergyAnalyst/cea/schemas.yml should be updated accordingly.

For more information, check out the how-to-document-cea.

Uploading to PyPI


This step is not necessary anymore for installation.

  • Check long-description with this commandline:

    python --long-description | for /f %i in ('where') do python %i > %temp%\ld.html && start %temp%\ld.html
    • make sure the output is valid / no errors, as this will be the text of the CEA on PyPI
  • Delete any old distributions from dist folder (you can just delete the whole dist folder if you like)

  • Do python sdist bdist_wheel

    • this will recreate the dist folder with two files that look similar to these:
      • cityenergyanalyst-2.2-py2-none-any.whl
      • cityenergyanalyst-2.2.tar.gz
  • Use twine to upload to PyPI (twine upload dist/*)

    • you can get twine with pip install twine (it should be pre-installed in the CEA Console)
    • the command above assumes you have set the TWINE_PASSWORD and TWINE_USERNAME environment variables if not, use the --username and --password positional arguments
    • ask the repository admins for username and password