
path: inputs/building-geometry/site.shp

The following file is used by these scripts: zone_helper

Variable Description
FID Shapefile ID
geometry Shapefile POLYGON


path: inputs/networks/streets.shp

The following file is used by these scripts: network_layout, optimization

Variable Description
geometry Geometry
Id Unique building ID. It must start with a letter.


path: inputs/building-geometry/surroundings.shp

The following file is used by these scripts: radiation, schedule_maker

Variable Description
floors_ag Number of floors above ground (incl. ground floor, Minimum one floor is needed)
geometry Shapefile POLYGON
height_ag Height above ground (incl. ground floor, Minimum one floor is needed)
Name Unique building ID. It must start with a letter.
REFERENCE Reference to data (if any)


path: inputs/topography/terrain.tif

The following file is used by these scripts: radiation, schedule_maker

Variable Description
raster_value TODO


path: databases/weather/Zug-inducity_1990_2010_TMY.epw

The following file is used by these scripts: weather_helper

Variable Description
aerosol_opt_thousandths (index = 29) TODO
Albedo (index = 32) Albedo
atmos_Pa (index = 9) Atmospheric pressure
ceiling_hgt_m (index = 25) TODO
datasource (index = 5) Source of data
day (index = 2) TODO
days_last_snow (index = 31) Days since last snow
dewpoint_C (index = 7) TODO
difhorillum_lux (index = 18) TODO
difhorrad_Whm2 (index = 15) TODO
dirnorillum_lux (index = 17) TODO
dirnorrad_Whm2 (index = 14) TODO
drybulb_C (index = 6) TODO
extdirrad_Whm2 (index = 11) TODO
exthorrad_Whm2 (index = 10) TODO
glohorillum_lux (index = 16) TODO
glohorrad_Whm2 (index = 13) TODO
horirsky_Whm2 (index = 12) TODO
hour (index = 3) TODO
liq_precip_depth_mm (index = 33) TODO
liq_precip_rate_Hour (index = 34) TODO
minute (index = 4) TODO
month (index = 1) TODO
opaqskycvr_tenths (index = 23) TODO
precip_wtr_mm (index = 28) TODO
presweathcodes (index = 27) TODO
presweathobs (index = 26) TODO
relhum_percent (index = 8) TODO
snowdepth_cm (index = 30) TODO
totskycvr_tenths (index = 22) TODO
visibility_km (index = 24) TODO
winddir_deg (index = 20) TODO
windspd_ms (index = 21) TODO
year (index = 0) TODO
zenlum_lux (index = 19) TODO


path: inputs/building-geometry/zone.shp

The following file is used by these scripts: archetypes_mapper, decentralized, demand, emissions, network_layout, optimization, photovoltaic, photovoltaic_thermal, radiation, schedule_maker, sewage_potential, shallow_geothermal_potential, solar_collector, thermal_network

Variable Description
floors_ag Number of floors above ground (incl. ground floor, minimum one floor is needed)
floors_bg Number of floors below ground (basement)
geometry Shapefile POLYGON
height_ag Height above ground (incl. ground floor, minimum one floor is needed)
height_bg Height below ground (basement)
Name Unique building ID. It must start with a letter.
REFERENCE Reference to data (if any)