How to document CEA?

Documentation language

The documentation language of the City Energy Analyst is American English.

The documentation is written using a markup language called reStructuredText (rst) and is rendered by Sphinx. The Quick reStructuredText is a great introductory resource for writing rst documentation for CEA.

Module Documentation

The most common tool for documenting methods and functions within Python code is the Field List. Only documentation strings within the """ Three Quotation Marks """ will be parsed by Sphinx when rendering the API documentation, with # Python comments ignored.

Sphinx Module Documentation Standard Example:

Title of module without section denotation (e.g.

Brief description of what the module does.

def non_return_method(parameter1, parameter2):
    This method does this and that. More information about why this method
                      <--------- THIS BLANK LINE IS IMPORTANT!!!
    :param parameter1: description of parameter1
    :type parameter1: type of parameter1
    :param parameter2: description of parameter2
    :type parameter2: type of parameter2
                      <--------- THIS BLANK LINE IS IMPORTANT!!!

def single_return_method(parameter1, parameter2):
    This method does this and that. More information about why this method
                      <--------- THIS BLANK LINE IS IMPORTANT!!!
    :param parameter1: description of parameter1
    :type parameter1: type of parameter1
    :param parameter2: description of parameter2
    :type parameter2: type of parameter2
        - **return1**: description of returned
    :rtype: return1_type
                      <--------- THIS BLANK LINE IS IMPORTANT!!!

def multiple_return_method(parameter1, parameter2):
    This method does this and that. More information about why this method
                      <--------- THIS BLANK LINE IS IMPORTANT!!!
    :param parameter1: description of parameter1
    :type parameter1: type of parameter1
    :param parameter2: description of parameter2
    :type parameter2: type of parameter2
        - **return1** : description of return1
        - **return2** : description of return2
        - **return3** : description of return3
    :rtype: return1_type, return2_type, return3_type
                      <--------- THIS BLANK LINE IS IMPORTANT!!!
 # these comments are ignored by Sphinx

You can check if your documentation will render as intended using the Online Sphinx Editor. Bear in mind, some documentation strings will still malfunction but it’s a great starting point.

cea-doc tool

Assuming you are a developer and have installed the relevant version of CEA, a couple of tools exist to assist you in documenting your code. Please ensure you have activated the cea virtual environment by calling activate cea, have installed Sphinx and created the relevant python entry points by calling pip install -e .

You can run the documentation processes by typing the following titles:

cea-doc html

This tool performs the following:
  • Cross references the api documentation, running a sphinx-apidoc
    for all modules in the CityEnergyAnalyst\cea repository and deleting outdated ones.
  • Runs a sphinx-build from the docs directory via the docs make.bat (see sphinx-tools: make html)
  • Opens the documentation relevant html files of the corresponding change files from a Gitdiff

Note, the following paths/modules are currently excluded by Sphinx:


cea-doc naming-merge

This tool merges the schemas.yml with the plots\naming.csv, checking for undocumented variables and raising potentially outdated ones. The naming.csv should contain all relevant documentation for written data which can be accessed by the dashboard.

NOTE: PLEASE AVOID USING COMMAS IN ANY DESCRIPTIONS, TYPES etc… (as sphinx’s csv-table method will throw an error)

cea-doc glossary

This tool automatically updates the glossary based on the information found within the schemas.yml, generating two .rst files:

  • input_methods.rst
    file containing all inputlocator methods associated with files which are NOT generated by CEA scripts.
  • output_methods.rst
    file containing all inputlocator methods associated with files which ARE generated by CEA scripts.

cea-doc graphviz

This tool automatically creates the data flow digraphs for each script from the schemas.yml, stored in docs\graphviz\. Then, it renders the script-data-flow.rst containing all the graphviz diagrams for documentation purposes.

sphinx tools

Along with the cea-doc tool, some handy sphinx commands exist within the docs\make.bat and docs\make-warnings.bat. These can be run from the docs repository by typing in the following:

make html

This extension of the make batch runs sphinx-build to generate html files in the CityEnergyAnalyst\docs\_build from each of the rst files within the CityEnergyAnalyst\docs and CityEnergyAnalyst\docs\modules repositories. This tool will generate html files from any new rst files created since the last build, skipping pre-existing rst and corresponding html files.

make clean

This will remove all html files from the previous sphinx-build.


This batch file runs sphinx-build , stopping the build when the first error is encountered. This tool is great for de-bugging documentation builds, allowing you to check and fix errors one by one.