User Stories

User stories define WHAT (need), WHY (reason) and for WHOM (User persona) we aim to solve a new bug or implement a new feature. This helps our Project Owner to better prioritize issues around CEA.

We have a standard yet simple way to define these user stories. This guide walks you through defining your first user story.

Step 1. define a user persona

At CEA we differentiate four (4) potential USERs for creating an user story. These are key groups of users we want CEA to serve and are defined as user personas. The first step in creating a new story is to select a User Persona from the following list:

  1. Researcher: A member of the CEA research team or network of contributors.
  2. Student or Practitioner: An active user of CEA.

For more information about the goals and priorities of the different user personas check: User Personas

Step 2. define its needs

Think about the NEED this user persona has. Is it about a problem/bug or rather about a new feature you want to be implemented? It is important that you think about the NEED from the point of view of the user persona.

Step 3. define a reason

Now think about why the user persona needs that.

Step 4. put the story together

Now put it all together using the following template:

As a USER PERSONA I want to NEED so I can REASON

Here is an example:

NEED:know how to define user stories
REASON:add new bugs and features to the pipeline of CEA

The result will be the title of your user story:

As a Researcher I want to know how to define user stories so I can add new bugs and features to the pipeline of CEA.

One more example:

NEED:understand how the dynamic tool works
REASON:use CEA more effectively

The result will be the title of your user story:

As a Student I want to understand how the dynamic tool works so I can use CEA more effectively.

Step 5. submit a new user story

Now it is time to submit a new user story in CEA. For this:

  1. Go to the CEA repository in Github.
  2. Click New Issue
  3. in Title, add the name of the user story
  4. Finally, in description, give a more detailed description of the problem.
  5. In the description you can directly connect to other user stories using # or connect to other people using @ in the text.